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Questions and Answers


Asked 116 months ago by 汪瑞奇  valid Edit
I've lived in China a long time but never formally studied Chinese.  So, my spoken Chinese is far better than my reading.  Would it be possible to have 1 list of cards for pinyin/listening drills and another list for recognition/writing drills?
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This question has been viewed 19 times.
The training modes can be set by card individually - so each card can have another training mode. 

Currently it is not possible to change modes only for cards belonging to one list, but of course you can change the default training mode and add the cards to one list and then change back when adding to another list. Just remember not to use "apply to all cards" when changing the modes.

We plan to allow changes of training modes for lists of cards (using the website). Such feature hopefully will be available before Christmas (2014)
Answered 116 months ago by klaus valid Edit
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