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Questions and Answers


Asked 68 months ago by ecrgral  valid Edit

Instalé el diccionario y también writer en mi celular android. El problema es cuando quiero desde el diccionario abrir el writer (hacer ejercicios) porque se me envía a la instalación de writer (aunque ya está instalado).

Como puedo hacer para que el diccionario detecte que ya está instalado el writer?

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Por favor verifique que este usando las versiones actuales de ambas apps.  EN ese caso debería funcionar bien y debería encontrar la correspondiente. Si no es el caso me puede decir en que version de Android esta? 
Answered 67 months ago by klaus valid Edit
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I have the same problem and it is same on all my Android devices. When I try to send a pack to be trained in the Writer, it claims the app is not installed on my device. It is like that since the update of the Chinese Writer to the new version including painted script and more characters.

It works on the iPad, though (but I paid there extra for Writer in the store on the top of my subscription). I generally prefer to use the iPad version as the Android seems to be crashing quite often anyway (and I also find the iPad version more responsive to my handwriting). 

I am having the latest versions of all apps.

Answered 61 months ago by Richard Pohl valid Edit
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