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Questions and Answers


Asked 64 months ago by Difuzion  valid Edit

Hello! I enjoy using trainchinese a lot, but I still can't find one important for me option - is it possible to create your own flashcards with a specific words, which are not presents in the automatic vocabulary? For example, I need to train the special words for my profession, such as “单反相机” which exist in vocabulary and I can add it as a flashcard, but word "旁轴相机" which in professional colloquium means "rangefinder camera" is not exist in the default vocabulary... So how can I add it with my other flashcards to train? Sorry for a messy description. Nick

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This question has been viewed 124 times.
Yes that is possible. Please open the website and log into your account. Then go to the right side to select "More ..." and "Import vocab".
That will allow you to include any words or phrases that then will be checked and added to the lists that you are training!
Answered 64 months ago by klaus valid Edit
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