医院病房里面有很多病菌,儿童最好不要进去。 醫院病房裡面有很多病菌,兒童最好不要進去。 yī yuàn bìng fáng lǐ miàn yóu hěn duō bìng jūn, ér tóng zuì hǎo bú yào jìn qù . phr. There are so many germs in the hospital sickroom that children should not enter. |
我们单位医院的挂号费很便宜,才五毛钱。 我們單位醫院的掛號費很便宜,才五毛錢。 wǒ men dān wèi yī yuàn de guà hào fèi hěn pián yi cái wǔ máo qián phr. The registration fee of the affiliated hospital of my unit is quite cheap. It's only 5 Mao. |
我请假去医院看病。 我請假去醫院看病。 wó qǐng jià qù yī yuàn kàn bìng . phr. I am asking for leave to go to the hospital to have my illness checked. |
宠物医院 寵物醫院 chǒng wù yī yuàn n. pet clinic |
那个人由于得了传染病而被医院隔离了。 那個人由於得了傳染病而被醫院隔離了。 nà gè rén yóu yú dé le chuán rǎn bìng ér bèi yī yuàn gé lí le . phr. That person was isolated by the hospital because of the contagious disease. |
政府要努力改善医院的基础设施。 政府要努力改善醫院的基礎設施。 zhèng fǔ yào nǔ lì gǎi shàn yī yuàn de jī chǔ shè shī . phr. The government should endeavor to improve the essential facilities in hospitals. |
早上醒来的时候我觉得有点不舒服,于是就去了医院。 早上醒來的時候我覺得有點不舒服,於是就去了醫院。 zǎo shang xǐng lái de shí hou wǒ jué de yóu diǎn bù shū fu, yú shì jiù qù le yī yuàn . phr. I was not feeling very well after waking up and so I went to hospital. |
一个老人被撞倒了,大家都争着送他去医院。 一個老人被撞倒了,大家都爭著送他去醫院。 yí gè lǎo rén bèi zhuàng dǎo le, dà jiā dōu zhēng zhe sòng tā qù yī yuàn phr. An old man was knocked down, and everyone scrambled to send him to the hospital. |
我背着女朋友去了医院。 我背著女朋友去了醫院。 wǒ bēi zhe nǚ péng you qù le yī yuàn . phr. I carried my girlfriend on my back to the hospital. |
听到这个消息,她连夜赶到了医院。 聽到這個消息,她連夜趕到了醫院。 tīng dào zhè gè xiāo xi, tā lián yè gǎn dào le yī yuàn phr. She rushed to the hospital that very night upon hearing the news. |
小孩生病了,母亲连夜把他送到医院。 小孩生病了,母親連夜把他送到醫院。 xiǎo hái shēng bìng le,mǔ qīn lián yè bǎ tā sòng dào yī yuàn . phr. That child was ill and his mother took him to the hospital that very night. |
医院不能医治心灵的创伤。 醫院不能醫治心靈的創傷。 yī yuàn bù néng yī zhì xīn líng de chuāng shāng . phr. The hospital does not heal spiritual wounds. |
医院离这里三百公尺。 醫院離這裡三百公尺。 yī yuàn lí zhè lǐ sān bǎi gōng chǐ phr. The hospital is three hundred meters away from here. |
医院离这儿不远。 醫院離這兒不遠。 yī yuàn lí zhèr bù yuǎn . phr. The hospital is not far away from here. |
儿童医院 兒童醫院 ér tóng yī yuàn nphr. children's hospital |