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Simplified Chinese

Traditional Chinese

Simplified stroke orders are based on the 'Standard of National Commonly-used Mandarin Chinese Characters (现代汉语通用字笔顺规范)', issued by the China National Language and Character Working Committee (国家语言文字工作委员会) on April 7th 1997. Traditional stroke orders are based on information issued by the Taiwan Ministry of Education.
suí zhe shí dài de fā zhǎn, dǎo yé zhè yì chēng hu zài zhōng guó yě zhú jiàn xiāo shī le .
phr. With social development, the label profiteer has gradually disappeared in China.
chuán jiàn jiàn de chén mò le, suó yǒu rén dōu xiāo shī le .
phr. The ship sank gradually and all people disappeared.
xuàn fēng xiāo shī le .
phr. The whirlwind has disappeared.
shāng pǐn chū le wèn tí, dàn shì mài zhǔ què xiāo shī le
phr. There are some problems with the commodity but the seller has disappeared.