他决定买那辆红色的车并立即开出支票。 他決定買那輛紅色的車並立即開出支票。 tā jué dìng mǎi nà liàng hóng sè de chē bìng lì jí kāi chū zhī piào . phr. He decided to buy that red car and wrote out a cheque at once. |
他发现车被偷以后立即向警察报案。 他發現車被偷以後立即向警察報案。 tā fā xiàn chē bèi tōu yǐ hòu lì jí xiàng jǐng chá bào àn . phr. Right after he found out that his car had been stolen, he immediately reported the case to the police. |
鉴于问题的严重性,总统决定立即派人前去调查这个问题。 鑒於問題的嚴重性,總統決定立即派人前去調查這個問題。 jiàn yú wèn tí de yán zhòng xìng, zóng tǒng jué dìng lì jí pài rén qián qù diào chá zhè gè wèn tí phr. In view of the severity of the problem, the president decided to send someone immediately to investigate it. |
立即发货 立即發貨 lì jí fā huò phr. immediate dispatch, send (goods) immediately |
令人感到不快的是,没让我们立即觐见国王。 令人感到不快的是,沒讓我們立即覲見國王。 lìng rén gǎn dào bù kuài de shì, méi ràng wǒ men lì jí jìn jiàn guó wáng phr. What was annoying was that we were not immediately given a chance to present ourselves before the king. |
见到连长,他立即入列。 見到連長,他立即入列。 jiàn dào lián zhǎng, tā lì jí rù liè . phr. He fell into rank at sight of the company commander. |
我立即睡着了。 我立即睡著了。 wǒ lì jí shuì zháo le . phr. I fell asleep right away. |