不少报纸都报导了部长出院的消息。 不少報紙都報導了部長出院的消息。 bù shǎo bào zhǐ dōu bào dǎo le bù zhǎng chū yuàn de xiāo xi phr. Many newspapers reported the news of the Minister left the hospital. |
他们在报纸上报道了这件事情。 他們在報紙上報導了這件事情。 tā men zài bào zhǐ shang bào dào le zhè jiàn shì qing . phr. They have reported about this incident on the newspaper. |
他靠卖报纸发家。 他靠賣報紙發家。 tā kào mài bào zhǐ fā jiā . phr. He became rich by selling newspapers. |
这种技术将应用到印刷报纸中。 這種技術將應用到印刷報紙中。 zhè zhǒng jì shù jiāng yìng yòng dào yìn shuā bào zhǐ zhōng . phr. This technology will be applied in printing newspapers. |
这是一家专门报道明星八卦的报纸。 這是一家專門報道明星八卦的報紙。 zhè shì yì jiā zhuān mén bào dào míng xīng bā guà de bào zhǐ . phr. This is a newspaper which reports gossip of pop stars. |
自从订阅了手机报,我再也不买报纸了。 自從訂閱了手機報,我再也不買報紙了。 zì cóng dìng yuè le shǒu jī bào, wǒ zài yě bù mǎi bào zhǐ le . phr. I don't buy newspapers any more since I subscribed to the mobile newspaper. |
订报纸 訂報紙 dìng bào zhǐ phr. subscribe newspapers |
他的言论在报纸上受到了抨击。 他的言論在報紙上受到了抨擊。 tā de yán lùn zài bào zhǐ shang shòu dào le pēng jī . phr. His remarks were attacked in the newspaper. |
看报纸 看報紙 kàn bào zhǐ phr. read a newspaper |
一份报纸 一份報紙 yí fèn bào zhǐ nphr. a newspaper |
翻报纸 翻報紙 fān bào zhǐ phr. scan newspapers |