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adv. all, each and every, in all cases
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'皆' is part of the following simplified words:
 偕 喈 揩 楷 湝 蒈 谐 锴
'皆' is part of the following traditional words:
 偕 喈 揩 楷 湝 蒈 諧 鍇 階

Simplified Chinese


Traditional Chinese

Simplified stroke orders are based on the 'Standard of National Commonly-used Mandarin Chinese Characters (现代汉语通用字笔顺规范)', issued by the China National Language and Character Working Committee (国家语言文字工作委员会) on April 7th 1997. Traditional stroke orders are based on information issued by the Taiwan Ministry of Education.
rén rén jiē zhī
phr. everyone knows it
yí qiè jiē shì dà jiā nǔ lì de jié guǒ .
phr. These all are the results of our hard-work.
bí bǐ jiē shì
phr. can be found everywhere
jiē dà huān xǐ
phr. satisfaction of everybody concerned; As You Like It (comedy by Shakespeare)
mǎn pán jiē shū
idiom. lose the whole chess game
miàn mù jiē fēi
phr. be changed beyond recognition
sì dà jiē kōng
idiom. (Buddhism) All the four elements of which the world is made are void.; to be completely indifferent to worldly temptations