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prep./v. away from; leave, depart; be apart from; be without, be independent of
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    lid (for )
    short tailed bird (for )
'离' is part of the following simplified words:
 噙 擒 檎 漓 璃 禽 篱 缡 蓠 螭 褵 醨 魑
'离' is part of the following traditional words:
 籬 蘺

Simplified Chinese


Traditional Chinese

Simplified stroke orders are based on the 'Standard of National Commonly-used Mandarin Chinese Characters (现代汉语通用字笔顺规范)', issued by the China National Language and Character Working Committee (国家语言文字工作委员会) on April 7th 1997. Traditional stroke orders are based on information issued by the Taiwan Ministry of Education.
dà jiā yú kuài de lí kāi le shāng diàn .
phr. Everyone left the store pleasantly.
běi jīng lí xiāng gǎng fēi cháng yuǎn .
phr. Beijing is far away from Hong Kong.
xué xiào lí jī chǎng fēi cháng yuǎn, yú shì wó zhí hǎo zuò chū zū chē qù .
phr. The school was very far away from the airport, so I had to take a taxi.
běn gōng sī de chéng gōng lí bù kāi shè huì gè jiè de dà lì zhī chí .
phr. Without powerful support from all walks of life in society, the company will not gain great success.
lí bù kāi
phr. be inseparable, be inevitably linked to, cannot do without
bù lí bú qì
idiom. not to leave or abandon (sb.)
lí de kāi
phr. can live without..., can be separated from...
yí kè yě lí bù kāi tā
phr. (sb/sth) can't live without it
lí jiā
phr. to leave home
lí shì
phr. to pass away, to depart from this world