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Hi, Thank you for the comment!
We have added the suggested word to our dictionary: 气场 / 氣場 [qi4 chang3] , (nphr) aura, airs
Updates are available online on our website, and they will appear in the app with the next update.
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气 (qì) is a physical phenomenon, referring to the air or gas that is present in the atmosphere. It is also used to refer to the breath of a living being.
心 (xīn) is an abstract concept, referring to the emotions and feelings of a person. It is often used to refer to anger, but can also refer to other emotions such as joy, sadness, and fear.
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In Chinese, 气 (qì) is often used to express feelings of anger or annoyance. For example, one might say 我很生气 (wǒ hěn shēng qì) to express that they are very angry. 气 can also be used to describe the feeling of someone else, such as 她很生气 (tā hěn shēng qì) to say that she is very angry. It is important to note that 气 is not used to express other emotions, such as happiness or sadness. For those, other words such as 开心 (kāi xīn) or 伤心 (shāng xīn) are used.
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"他气得不行 (tā qì de bù xíng)" is a phrase used to describe someone who is very angry. 气 (qì) is used here to describe the person's emotional state.
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