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再婚 (zài hūn) is a Chinese word that means "to remarry" or "to marry again (after divorce)". It is composed of two characters: 再 (zài) meaning "again" and 婚 (hūn) meaning "marriage". It is pronounced as "zài hūn" with the first tone on both characters.
Here are some examples of how 再婚 (zài hūn) can be used in a sentence:
1. 我的父母离婚后,我妈妈又再婚了。(Wǒ de fù mǔ lí hūn hòu, wǒ mā ma yòu zài hūn le.) - After my parents divorced, my mother remarried.
2. 我的姐姐离婚后,决定不再婚。(Wǒ de jiě jie lí hūn hòu, jué dìng bù zài hūn.) - After my sister's divorce, she decided not to remarry.
3. 我们的法律允许离婚后再婚。(Wǒ men de fǎ lǜ yǔn xǔ lí hūn hòu zài hūn.) - Our laws allow remarriage after divorce
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