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Yes, there is a difference in meaning between 茶水 (chá shuǐ) and 饮料 (yǐn liào).
茶水 (chá shuǐ) refers specifically to "tea" as a beverage, while 饮料 (yǐn liào) is a more general term for "beverage" and can refer to any type of drink, including tea.
Example sentences:
我每天喝茶水。(Wǒ měi tiān hē chá shuǐ.) - I drink a cup of tea every morning.
他喜欢喝各种各样的饮料。(Tā xǐ huan hē gè zhǒng gè yàng de yǐn liào.) - He likes to drink different types of beverage.
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Certainly! The term 茶水 (chá shuǐ) literally translates to "tea water," referring to tea in a general sense. Here are a few common phrases and idioms that include 茶水 (chá shuǐ) or relate to tea culture in Chinese:
1. 一壶茶水 (yī hú chá shuǐ) - Literally meaning "a pot of tea water," this phrase can refer to sharing tea with friends or family, emphasizing hospitality and warmth in social gatherings.
2. 茶水凉了 (chá shuǐ liáng le) - This phrase translates to "the tea has cooled down," often used metaphorically to describe a situation or relationship that has lost its warmth or excitement.
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