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1. To indicate putting something into a container or space:
- 我把钱包放入了口袋里。(Wǒ bǎ qiánbāo fàng rù le kǒudài lǐ.) - I put my wallet into my pocket.
2. To indicate entering or going into a place:
- 他进入了房间。(Tā jìn rù le fángjiān.) - He entered the room.
3. To indicate conforming to or following a rule or standard:
- 这种做法不入 (rù) 眼。(Zhè zhǒng zuòfǎ bù rù yǎn.) - This approach does not meet the standard.
4. In the context of Chinese phonetics, 入 (rù) refers to the entering tone (also known as the fourth tone). It is one of the four tones in Mandarin Chinese and is marked by a falling-rising pitch. It is represented by the symbol "˨˩˦" in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).
- 这个字的声调是入 (rù) 声。(Zhè ge zì de shēngdiào shì rù shēng.) - The tone of this
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