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1. 医用胶布 (yī yòng jiāo bù) - medical adhesive tape
3. 绷带 (bēng dài) - bandage, can also be used to refer to Band-Aids or sticking plasters
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创可贴 (chuàng kě tiē) is a commonly used term in Chinese that refers to a type of adhesive bandage used to cover and protect minor cuts and wounds. It is also known as a Band-Aid, Elastoplast, or sticking plaster.
Example 1: 我摔倒了,手上流了血,快给我一张创可贴。(Wǒ shuāi dǎo le, shǒu shàng liú le xiě, kuài gěi wǒ yī zhāng chuàng kě tiē.) I fell down and my hand is bleeding, please give me a Band-Aid.
Example 2: 这种创可贴有防水功能,可以在洗澡时保护伤口。(Zhè zhǒng chuàng kě tiē yǒu fáng shuǐ gōng néng, kěyǐ zài xǐ zǎo shí bǎo hù shāng kǒu.) This type of adhesive bandage is waterproof and can protect the wound while showering.
Example 3: 小孩子经常会受伤,家里一定要备有创可贴。(Xiǎo hái zi jīng cháng huì shòu shāng, jiā lǐ yī dìng yào bèi yǒu chuàng kě tiē.) Children often get injured, so it's important to have Band-Aids at home.
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