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nìng kě ..., yě ...
phr. would rather...than...
Discussion of 宁可...,也.../寧可...,也...
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This expresses the idea that the speaker chooses to do action in the first clause in order to achieve the result indicated in the second clause. For example:
E.g. 我宁可每天工作二十个小时,也不想当全职太太。 [phr] I would rather work twenty hours a day than become a stay-at-home wife.
This is to say, the speaker 我 chooses to “work twenty hours a day” in order to avoid the situation of becoming a stay-at-home wife.
The conjunction 宁可 usually appears in the first clause between the subject and the predicate. 就 is often followed by 要, 想, 愿意, or 不要, 不想, 不愿意, etc.
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