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稍等 (shāo děng) is used to indicate that someone should wait a moment or hold on. For example, if someone is about to leave a room, another person might say 稍等 (shāo děng) to indicate that they should wait a moment. It can also be used to indicate that someone should wait for a response, such as when someone is asking a question.
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等一下 (děng yīxià): This phrase is similar to 稍等 in that it means "wait a minute, hold on". It is slightly more informal than 稍等.
稍安勿躁 (shāo ān wù zào): This phrase is similar to 稍等 in that it is used to tell someone to wait and not be impatient. It is more formal than 稍等.
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稍等 (shāo děng) is usually used in an informal way, meaning "wait a minute, hold on". It is often used in casual conversations between friends or family members. It is not typically used in formal contexts. Other informal Chinese expressions that mean the same thing include 等一下 (děng yīxià) and 等会儿 (děng huìr).
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