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It has a similar meaning to "economic bubble".
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1. 这个股市的泡沫终于破灭了。(Zhège gǔshì de pàomò zhōngyú pòmiè le.) - The bubble of this stock market has finally burst.
2. 她的梦想就像是一个泡沫,一觉醒来就消失了。(Tā de mèngxiǎng jiù xiàng shì yīgè pàomò, yī jiào xǐnglái jiù xiāoshī le.) - Her dream was like a bubble, it disappeared when she woke up.
3. 这种饮料有很多泡沫,喝起来很有趣。(Zhè zhǒng yǐnliào yǒu hěnduō pàomò, hē qǐlái hěn yǒuqù.) - This drink has a lot of bubbles, it's fun to drink.
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