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cí yǔ jiē lóng
phr. words sequence-building, words solitaire (name of a game)
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词语接龙 is a game played by a group of two or more people. One person will come up with a word made up of two or more characters, then the next person should think of a word using the last character of the first word as its first character, etc.
For example, the first person says 山头; the second person immediately says 头发, and the third person says 发展, etc.
The words used in this game do not have to be made up of two characters. We can also play 词语接龙 using Chinese idioms, and the game can be called 成语接龙, to be more precise. 成语接龙 is more difficult to play, because it requires the players to be very familiar with Chinese idioms.
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