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According to the 说文解字 (Shuowen Jiezi), an ancient Chinese dictionary and the first systematic Chinese character dictionary, the original meaning of "纲" (gāng) is "the main rope" or "the principal cord." This suggests that "纲" originally referred to a main rope or cord used for binding or guiding purposes. Over time, the meaning of "纲" expanded to include broader concepts such as "guiding principle," "main thread," or "key aspect," reflecting its metaphorical use in various contexts.
For example, in the context of a speech or an essay, 纲 refers to the main ideas or key points that the rest of the content is organized around. For example, 提纲 means "outline".
In terms of governance or management, 纲 can also refer to the main principles or guidelines that direct decision-making and actions. For example, 党纲 means "guiding principle of a party".
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