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好吃 (hǎo chī) is used to describe food that is tasty or delicious. For example, you could say "这个菜真好吃 (zhège cài zhēn hǎo chī) - this dish is really delicious".
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Synonyms for 好吃 (hǎo chī):
1. 美味 (měi wèi) - This means "delicious" or "tasty" and emphasizes the pleasantness of the flavor. It is often used to describe food that is exceptionally good.
2. 可口 (kě kǒu) - This term translates to "appetizing" or "palatable," referring to food that is not only tasty but also appealing to eat.
Antonyms for 好吃 (hǎo chī):
1. 难吃 (nán chī) - This means "not tasty" or "bad to eat." It is used to describe food that has an unpleasant flavor or is unappetizing.
2. 无味 (wú wèi) - This translates to "tasteless" or "bland," indicating food that lacks flavor or is dull in taste.
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Yes, 好吃 (hǎo chī) is an adjective in Chinese. It means "tasty, delicious". It is usually used to describe food or drinks. For example, 今天的晚餐很好吃 (jīn tiān de wǎn cān hěn hǎo chī) which means "The dinner today is very tasty".
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