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In conversation, 预兆 (yù zhào) is commonly used to refer to an omen or a sign that indicates something is going to happen in the future. It can also be used to describe a warning or a foreshadowing of a future event.
For example, someone might say "这场暴风雨是一种不祥的预兆" (zhè chǎng bào fēng yǔ shì yī zhǒng bù xiáng de yù zhào), which means "This storm is a bad omen."
Another common usage is "预兆着变化" (yù zhào zhe biàn huà), which means "signaling change." This can be used to describe a situation where there are indications that something is about to change or happen.
In some cases, 预兆 can also be used in a more literal sense, such as "预兆着春天的到来" (yù zhào zhe chūn tiān de dào lái), which means "signaling the arrival of spring."
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