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1. 崇敬 (chóngjìng) - to revere, respect, hold in high esteem
2. 崇拜 (chóngbài) - to worship, idolize, adore
3. 崇奉 (chóngfèng) - to revere, worship, hold in high regard
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崇尚 (chóng shàng) is used to advocate or uphold something. It is often used in the context of advocating for a certain set of values or beliefs. For example, one might say 崇尚自由 (chóng shàng zì yóu) to advocate for freedom. It can also be used to advocate for a certain lifestyle or way of thinking, such as 崇尚健康 (chóng shàng jiàn kāng) to advocate for a healthy lifestyle.
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