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The two sample sentences for 郁闷 (yù mèn) may be the same yet they both effectively illustrate the meaning of the word, which refers to feelings of depression or frustration. That being said, we have just added a few more examples for 郁闷, which have become available online on our website. They will appear in the app with the next update.
让人郁闷的事情 (ràng rén yùmèn de shìqing)
something that makes people feel depressed.
郁闷的心情 (yùmèn de xīnqíng)
depressed mood
天气一直下雨,搞得我心情很郁闷。 (Tiānqì yìzhí xiàyǔ, gǎo de wǒ xīnqíng hěn yùmèn.)
The weather is constantly rainy, which has made my mood very gloomy.
别郁闷了,事情总会有解决的办法。 (Bié yùmèn le, shìqíng zǒng huì yǒu jiějué de bànfǎ.)
Don’t feel so down; there’s always a way to solve the problem.
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郁闷 is more about one's feeling. 垂头丧气 is one's action.
E.g. 他虽然一副垂头丧气的样子,但是心里一点儿也不郁闷。
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