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1. 扩散 (kuòsàn) - to spread, to diffuse, to proliferate
2. 蔓生 (mànshēng) - to spread, to grow, to proliferate (literally "to spread like a vine")
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蔓延 (mànyán) means "to spread" or "to extend" in English. It is often used to describe the rapid and uncontrollable spread of something, such as a disease, fire, or rumor.
Example 1:
新冠病毒迅速蔓延到全球各地。(Xīn guān bìngdú xùnsù mànyán dào quánqiú gèdì.)
The COVID-19 virus has rapidly spread to various parts of the world.
Example 2:
这场大火正在蔓延,我们必须尽快控制住它。(Zhè chǎng dàhuǒ zhèngzài mànyán, wǒmen bìxū jǐnkuài kòngzhì zhù tā.)
The wildfire is spreading and we must quickly contain it.
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1. 蔓延 (mànyán) is often used to describe the spread of a disease or virus. For example, 新冠病毒 (xīnguān bìngdú) 在全球蔓延 (zài quánqiú mànyán)。
2. 蔓延 (mànyán) can also be used to describe the spread of an idea or belief. For example, 这种观念 (zhè zhǒng guānniàn) 在社会中蔓延 (zài shèhuì zhōng mànyán)。
3. 蔓延 (mànyán) can also be used to describe the spread of a fire. For example, 火势 (huǒshì) 在森林中蔓延 (zài sēnlín zhōng mànyán)。
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