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快餐 (kuàicān) is a commonly used term in daily conversation in China, referring to "fast food". It is pronounced as "kuài cān" in Mandarin Chinese.
In casual conversations, people may use 快餐 (kuàicān) to refer to any type of food that is prepared and served quickly, such as burgers, sandwiches, pizza, etc. It is often associated with convenience and affordability, making it a popular choice for busy individuals or families.
In addition to its literal meaning, 快餐 (kuàicān) can also be used figuratively to describe something that is quick and easy, but may not be of the highest quality. For example, someone may say "快餐式的解决方案" (kuàicān shì de jiějué fāng'àn), meaning "a fast food solution", implying that it may not be the most thorough or well thought out solution.
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