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1. 足够 (zú gòu) - This is the most commonly-used synonym for 够. It also means "enough" and has the same pronunciation "gòu". However, it emphasizes the idea of being "sufficient" or "adequate" rather than just meeting a minimum requirement.
2. 充足 (chōng zú) - This word also means "enough" but has a slightly different connotation. It conveys the idea of being "plentiful" or "abundant" rather than just meeting a minimum requirement.
3. 充分 (chōng fèn) - This word means "fully" or "completely" and can be used to convey the idea of having enough or sufficient of something.
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The opposite of 够 (gòu) meaning "enough" is 不够 (bù gòu) meaning "not enough".
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