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The word 杰出 (jiéchū), meaning "outstanding," is considered a formal word in Chinese. It is often used in academic, professional, or literary contexts to describe someone or something that stands out due to exceptional qualities or achievements.
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杰出 (jiéchū) means "outstanding" or "remarkable" in English. It is often used to describe someone or something that stands out or excels in a particular area or field.
Example 1: 他是一位杰出的科学家。(Tā shì yí wèi jiéchū de kēxuéjiā.) He is an outstanding scientist.
Example 2: 她的成绩杰出,得到了老师的表扬。(Tā de chéngjì jiéchū, dédào le lǎoshī de biǎoyáng.) Her grades are outstanding and she received praise from her teacher.
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