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双方 (shuāngfāng) is typically used to refer to both sides or parties involved in a situation or agreement. It can be used in various contexts, such as in business negotiations, legal proceedings, or personal relationships.
For example:
- 在这次谈判中,双方都希望能达成互利的协议。(Zài zhè cì tánpàn zhōng, shuāngfāng dōu xīwàng néng dáchéng hùlì de xiéyì.) In this negotiation, both sides hope to reach a mutually beneficial agreement.
- 双方的合作关系非常紧密。(Shuāngfāng de hézuò guānxì fēicháng jǐnmì.) The cooperation between both sides is very close.
- 我们需要双方的共同努力才能解决这个问题。(Wǒmen xūyào shuāngfāng de gòngtóng nǔlì cáinéng jiějué zhège wèntí.) We need the joint efforts of both sides to solve this problem.
双方 (shuāngfāng) can also be used to refer to two individuals or groups who are in a relationship or partnership. In this case, it can be translated as "both parties" or "both sides."
For example:
- 双方都同意结束这段感情。(Shuāngfāng dōu tóngyì jiéshù zhè duàn gǎnqíng.) Both parties agreed to end this relationship.
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