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1. 协作 (xiézuò): This word means "collaborate" or "collaboration".
2. 共同 (gòngtóng): This word means "jointly" or "in common".
3. 合伙 (héhǒu): This word means "partner" or "partnership".
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In everyday conversation, 合作 (hézuò) is typically used to refer to cooperation between two or more people or organizations. For example, one might say: “我们应该合作 (wǒmen yīnggāi hézuò) 来完成这个项目 (lái wánchéng zhège xiàngmù)”, which translates to “We should cooperate to complete this project”. It can also be used to refer to a collaborative effort, such as “我们需要合作 (wǒmen xūyào hézuò) 来解决这个问题 (lái jiějué zhège wèntí)”, which translates to “We need to cooperate to solve this problem”.
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