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1. 我们已经签订了一份合同。(Wǒmen yǐjīng qiāndìng le yī fèn hétong.) - We have already signed a contract.
2. 双方代表将在明天正式签订协议。(Shuāngfāng dàibiǎo jiāng zài míngtiān zhèngshì qiāndìng xiéyì.) - Representatives from both sides will officially sign the agreement tomorrow.
3. 为了促进两国之间的贸易,我们决定签订一项自由贸易协定。(Wèi le cùjìn liǎngguó zhījiān de màoyì, wǒmen juédìng qiāndìng yī xiàng zìyóu màoyì xiédìng.) - In order to promote trade between the two countries, we have decided to sign a free trade agreement.
4. 这份合同必须由双方共同签订。(Zhè fèn hétong bìxū yóu shuāngfāng gòngtóng qiāndìng.) - This contract must be signed by both parties.
5. 我们希望能够在本周内签订最终协议。(Wǒmen xīwàng nénggòu zài běn zhōu nèi qiāndìng zuìzhōng xiédìng.) - We hope to sign the final agreement within this week.
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