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燃烧 (rán shāo) means "burn" in English. It is often used to describe the process of something being set on fire and producing flames and heat. It can also refer to the act of burning something intentionally, such as burning incense or candles.
Example 1: 这块木头被燃烧得只剩下一堆灰烬了。(zhè kuài mù tou bèi rán shāo de zhǐ shèng xià yī duī huī jìn le.) This piece of wood has been burned to a pile of ashes.
Example 2: 燃烧的火焰照亮了整个夜晚。(rán shāo de huǒ yàn zhào liàng le zhěng gè yè wǎn.) The burning flames illuminated the entire night.
Example 3: 燃烧的热情驱使他不断前进。(rán shāo de rè qíng qū shǐ tā bù duàn qián jìn.) The burning passion drives him to keep moving forward.
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