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The character 者 (zhě) is a suffix used to indicate a person or someone who performs a certain action or has a certain quality. It can be translated as "-er," "-or," or "-ist" in English.
Some common words that use 者(zhě) include:
1. 学者 (xué zhě) - scholar, academic
2. 作者 (zuò zhě) - writer, author
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者 (zhě) is used in formal situations. It is a suffix indicating a person, and is usually used in written Chinese. It is often used in official documents, such as job titles, academic titles, and legal documents. For example: 读者 reader
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The Chinese word 人 (rén) can also mean "-er, -or, -ist (used as a suffix indicating a person)". It is pronounced "rén" and is used to refer to a person in a general sense. However, please note that it's always possible to replace 者 with 人 in all scenarios.
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