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贪污 (tānwù) is a verb that means "to be corrupt" or "to engage in corruption". It can also be used as a noun to refer to "corruption". The pronunciation of 贪污 is "tān wū", with the first tone on both characters.
Example 1: 他因为贪污被判处十年监禁。(Tā yīnwèi tānwù bèi pànchǔ shí nián jiānjìn.) He was sentenced to ten years in prison for corruption.
Example 2: 政府官员应该避免贪污行为。(Zhèngfǔ guānyuán yīnggāi bìmiǎn tānwù xíngwéi.) Government officials should avoid engaging in corrupt activities.
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An antonym of 贪污 (tānwù) could be 清廉 (qīnglián), which means "honest" or "incorruptible." It is pronounced as "qīng lián" in Pinyin. Other possible antonyms could include 正直 (zhèngzhí), meaning "upright" or "honest," and 廉洁 (liánjié), meaning "clean" or "incorruptible."
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