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处 (chù): This word has a similar meaning to 所, but it is more commonly used to refer to a place or location.
地方 (dìfang): This word has a similar meaning to 所, but it is more commonly used to refer to a place or location.
Antonyms: none
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1. Measure Word: 所 is used as a measure word for schools, hospitals, and buildings. For example, 一所学校 (yī suǒ xuéxiào) means "one school".
2. Location: 所 can be used to indicate a location. For example, 在这所学校 (zài zhè suǒ xuéxiào) means "at this school".
3. Bureau: 所 can also be used to refer to a bureau or office. For example, 医务所 means "infirmary, clinic".
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No. 所 (suǒ) is used in the same way in formal or informal situations.
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