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河鱼 (héyú) refers to a type of fish that is found in rivers. It is a compound word made up of the characters 河 (hé), meaning "river", and 鱼 (yú), meaning "fish". The pronunciation of 河鱼 is "hé yú", with the first tone on both characters.
Example 1:
我最喜欢吃的鱼是河鱼。(Wǒ zuì xǐhuan chī de yú shì héyú.)
Translation: My favorite type of fish to eat is river fish.
Example 2:
这条河里有很多河鱼。(Zhè tiáo hé lǐ yǒu hěn duō héyú.)
Translation: There are a lot of river fish in this river.
Example 3:
河鱼的肉很鲜美。(Héyú de ròu hěn xiānměi.)
Translation: The meat of river fish is very delicious.
Example 4:
河鱼是一种常见的淡水鱼。(Héyú shì yī zhǒng chángjiàn de dànshuǐ yú.)
Translation: River fish is a common type of freshwater fish.
Example 5:
这家餐厅的招牌菜是红烧河鱼。(Zhè jiā cāntīng de zhāopái cài shì hóngshāo héyú.)
Translation: The signature dish of this restaurant is braised river fish.
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