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偷窃 (tōu qiè) means "steal" in English. It is a verb that describes the act of taking something without permission or unlawfully. It can also be used as a noun to refer to the act of stealing.
Example sentence:
他被捕了,因为他偷窃了一辆汽车。(Tā bèi bǔ le, yīn wèi tā tōu qiè le yī liàng qì chē.)
He was arrested because he stole a car.
Other related words:
1. 偷 (tōu) - to steal
2. 盗窃 (dào qiè) - theft, burglary
3. 小偷 (xiǎo tōu) - thief
4. 偷盗 (tōu dào) - stealing, theft
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1. 盗窃 (dào qiè) - This is a synonym for 偷窃 that also means "steal" and has the same pronunciation "tōu qiè". It is a more formal term and is often used in legal contexts.
2. 窃取 (qiè qǔ) - This word also means "steal" but has a slightly different connotation. It can also mean "to take without permission" or "to secretly obtain". It is often used in a more abstract sense, such as "stealing someone's heart" (窃取某人的心).
3. 偷盗 (tōu dào) - This is another synonym for 偷窃 that means "steal" and has a similar pronunciation "tōu qiè". It is often used to refer to stealing valuable items or money.
4. 窃取 (qiè qǔ) - This word also means "steal" but has a slightly different connotation. It can also mean "to take without permission" or "to secretly obtain". It is often used in a more abstract sense, such as "stealing someone's heart" (窃取某人的心).
5. 盗取 (dào qǔ) - This word also means "steal" but has a more negative connotation. It is often used to refer to stealing something of great value or importance, such as stealing trade secrets or confidential information.
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