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The meaning of 窜 (cuàn) is similar to 越 (yuè) and 逃 (táo) in that they all involve the idea of fleeing or running away. However, there are some subtle differences in their meanings and usage.
窜 (cuàn) specifically refers to the act of fleeing or running away in a chaotic or disorganized manner. It is often used to describe the actions of animals or bandits, and has a negative connotation. For example, 狼群窜入了村庄 (láng qún cuàn rù le cūn zhuāng) means "the pack of wolves rushed into the village."
越 (yuè) also means to flee or escape, but it can also have the connotation of surpassing or going beyond something. For example, 越过河流 (yuè guò hé liú) means "to cross the river."
逃 (táo) is a more general term for fleeing or escaping. It can refer to any type of escape, whether it is from danger, responsibility, or a difficult situation. For example, 逃离战乱 (táo lí zhàn luàn) means "to flee from the chaos of war."
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1. 野兽窜入了树林中。(Yěshòu cuàn rù le shùlín zhōng.) - The wild beast fled into the forest.
2. 匪徒窜逃后,警察立即展开了追捕。(Fěitú cuàn táo hòu, jǐngchá lìjí zhǎnkāi le zhuībǔ.) - After the bandits fled, the police immediately launched a pursuit.
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