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The Chinese language is different from English, French or any other inflected languages. In the Chinese language, one important trait of nouns is that we can add a numeral-measure word phrase before the noun. 思念 here is only temporarily used as a noun in this sentence. In most contexts, if you search it in a linguistic corpus, 思念 is still used as a verb. Authoritative dictionaries mark this word as a verb too.
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Yes, there is a difference between 想念 (xiǎngniàn) and 思念 (sīniàn).
想念 (xiǎngniàn) generally means "to miss" or "to long for" someone or something, while 思念 (sīniàn) carries a deeper connotation of "to think of" or "to cherish memories of" someone or something.
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思念 (sī niàn) is used to express missing someone or something. For example, one might say: 我思念我的家乡 (wǒ sī niàn wǒ de jiā xiāng; I miss my hometown).
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思念 (sī niàn) is a formal word in Chinese. It is used to express the feeling of missing or longing for someone or something. The pronunciation of 思念 is sī niàn, with the first tone on both characters.
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想念 (xiǎng niàn) - This word also means "miss, long for" and is often used interchangeably with 思念. However, 想念 can also mean "think of" or "remember" in certain contexts.
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