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1. 我惭愧 (wǒ cán kuì) - I am ashamed.
2. 我没有做到,真惭愧 (wǒ méi yǒu zuò dào, zhēn cán kuì) - I didn't do it, I'm really ashamed.
3. 我没有达到他们的期望,感到惭愧 (wǒ méi yǒu dá dào tā men de qī wàng, gǎn dào cán kuì) - I didn't meet their expectations, I feel ashamed.
4. 我的表现太差了,真惭愧 (wǒ de biǎo xiàn tài chà le, zhēn cán kuì) - My performance was too bad, I'm really ashamed.
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羞愧 (xiū kuì): This word has a similar meaning to 惭愧, but it is more commonly used to express shame or embarrassment.
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