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"惟一" (wéiyī) is used to express the idea of "only" or "solely". For example, "他惟一的朋友是他的兄弟" (tā wéiyī de péngyou shì tā de xiōngdì) translates to "His only friend is his brother".
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1. 唯一 (wéiyī): This is the most common way to say "only one" in Simplified Chinese. It is composed of two characters, 唯 (wéi) meaning "only" and 一 (yī) meaning "one".
2. 唯独 (wéidú): This phrase is composed of two characters, 唯 (wéi) meaning "only" and 独 (dú) meaning "alone". It is used to emphasize that there is only one thing or person.
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