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一块儿 (yīkuàir) is used in everyday Chinese conversation to mean "together". It is often used to emphasize the idea of doing something together, such as going somewhere or doing an activity. For example, someone might say 我们一块儿去吃饭 (wǒmen yīkuàir qù chīfàn) which means "Let's go eat together". It can also be used to emphasize the idea of unity, such as when someone says 我们一块儿努力 (wǒmen yīkuàir nǔlì) which means "Let's work together".
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Person A: 我们一起去吃饭吧 (Wǒmen yīqǐ qù chīfàn ba)
Let's go eat together.
Person B: 好啊,一块儿走 (Hǎo a, yīkuàir zǒu)
Sure, let's go together.
In this example, 一块儿 (yīkuàir) is used to emphasize the idea of going together. It is used to emphasize the idea of unity and togetherness.
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