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1. 接 (jiē)
This word can also mean "inherit, succeed" in the sense of taking over or receiving something from someone else. It can also mean "continue, follow" in the sense of continuing a course of action or following a certain path. However, it does not have the connotation of "afterwards, then" like 继 does.
2. 续 (xù)
This word can mean "continue, carry on" in the sense of continuing something that has already been started. It can also mean "succeed, inherit" in the sense of taking over or receiving something from someone else. However, it does not have the connotation of "afterwards, then" like 继 does.
3. 接替 (jiē tì)
This phrase means "take over, succeed" and can be used in the sense of taking over a position or role from someone else. It can also mean "continue, carry on" in the sense of continuing a certain course of action. However, it does not have the connotation of "afterwards, then" like 继 does.
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