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1. 召唤 (zhào huàn) - to summon, to call upon
2. 呼吁 (hū yù) - to appeal, to urge
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号召 (hào zhào) is commonly used in a sentence to refer to a call or appeal for action or participation. It can also be used to describe a strong influence or persuasion towards a certain belief or behavior.
For example:
- 我们需要号召大家一起参加这次义工活动。(Wǒmen xūyào hào zhào dàjiā yīqǐ cānjiā zhè cì yìgōng huódòng.) - We need to call for everyone to participate in this volunteer activity together.
- 这位领导的号召使得公司员工们都更加积极地工作。(Zhè wèi lǐngdǎo de hào zhào shǐdé gōngsī yuángōngmen dōu gèngjiā jījí de gōngzuò.) - The leader's call has made the company employees more actively work.
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号召 (hào zhào) is a formal word in Chinese. It is often used in formal settings such as speeches, official announcements, and written documents. The word can be translated as "call" or "appeal" and is often used to describe a strong and urgent request or invitation for people to take action or participate in a certain event or cause.
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