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1. 在中国,阶级差距仍然存在。(Zài Zhōngguó, jiējí chājù réngrán cúnzài.) - In China, class disparity still exists.
2. 这个国家的社会阶级结构正在发生变化。(Zhège guójiā de shèhuì jiējí jiégòu zhèngzài fāshēng biànhuà.) - The social class structure of this country is undergoing changes.
3. 阶级斗争是马克思主义的基本理论之一。(Jiējí dòuzhēng shì Mǎkèsī zhǔyì de jīběn lǐlùn zhī yī.) - Class struggle is one of the fundamental theories of Marxism.
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