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表达 (biǎodá) is a Chinese word that means "to express, to communicate, to convey, to voice". It is distinct from other words that mean the same thing in Chinese, such as 表示 (biǎoshì) which means "to indicate, to express, to show" and 表述 (biǎoshù) which means "to express, to state".
The difference between these words is subtle, but 表达 (biǎodá) implies a more active form of communication, such as speaking or writing, while 表示 (biǎoshì) and 表述 (biǎoshù) imply a more passive form of communication, such as body language or facial expressions.
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In everyday conversations, 表达 (biǎodá) is used to refer to the act of expressing or conveying one's thoughts, feelings, or ideas. For example, one might say:
"我想表达我的想法,但我不知道怎么开口 (wǒ xiǎng biǎodá wǒ de xiǎngfǎ, dàn wǒ bù zhīdào zěnme kāikǒu)" which translates to "I want to express my thoughts, but I don't know how to start".
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表达 (biǎodá) is a formal word. It is used to describe the act of expressing or conveying one's thoughts, feelings, or ideas in words or actions. It is often used in formal contexts, such as in academic writing or in official documents. It is not typically used in informal contexts, such as in casual conversations.
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