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Please note that 好 can be used alone. 良 usually appears in an idiom, e.g. 良莠不齐; sometimes 良 is reduced to a morpheme and is used to form other words, e.g. 良心.
良 can be used alone as well, but when it's used alone, it only refers to one's academic performance or test result.
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良 (liáng) is a formal word meaning "good; (lit.) very (much); good people". It is commonly used in formal writing, but not usually in spoken language.
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良 is not used alone in forming sentences. It usually appears in words or idioms, such as:
- 优良 [adj] fine, well, good
- 良好 [adj] good, fine, well
- 良师益友 [idiom] good teacher and helpful friend
- 良莠不齐 [idiom] good and bad mixed together, a motley crowd
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