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Yes, you can use 旅途 (lǚtú) in a sentence to mean "a journey through life". This phrase is often used to describe the ups and downs, challenges and experiences that one encounters throughout their life. It can also refer to the overall path or direction that one takes in life.
Example sentence:
- 我的旅途充满了挑战和收获。(Wǒ de lǚtú chōngmǎn le tiǎozhàn hé shōuhuò.) My journey through life is full of challenges and rewards.
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1. 行程 (xíngchéng): This word means "itinerary" or "route".
2. 旅程 (lǚchéng): This word means "journey" or "trip".
3. 旅行 (lǚxíng): This word means "travel" or "tour".
4. 远行 (yuǎnxíng): This word means "long journey" or "long trip".
5. 旅游 (lǚyóu): This word means "tourism" or "tour".
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