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1. 这个地区经常遭受自然灾害。(Zhège dìqū jīngcháng zāoshòu zìrán zāihài.) - This region often suffers from natural disasters.
2. 他遭遇了一次车祸,幸好没有受伤。(Tā zāoyù le yī cì chēhuò, xìnghǎo méiyǒu shòushāng.) - He had a car accident, luckily he wasn't injured.
3. 我们每个人都会遭遇挫折,但是重要的是如何克服它。(Wǒmen měi gè rén dōu huì zāoyù cuòzhé, dànshì zhòngyào de shì rúhé kèfú tā.) - We all encounter setbacks, but what's important is how we overcome them.
4. 他遭受了很多痛苦,但是他从中学到了很多。(Tā zāoshòu le hěnduō tòngkǔ, dànshì tā cóng zhōng xué dào le hěnduō.) - He went through a lot of pain, but he learned a lot from it.
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