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The phrase 做游戏 (zuò yóuxì) is commonly used in both informal contexts to mean "play games." It is a straightforward and commonly used phrase that can refer to any type of game, including video games, board games, or outdoor games.
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做游戏 (zuò yóuxì) is a common phrase in Chinese that means "to play games." It is often used to refer to any type of game, whether it be video games, board games, or outdoor games.
Example 1: 我喜欢做游戏 (wǒ xǐhuan zuò yóuxì) - I like to play games.
Example 2: 他每天晚上都会做游戏 (tā měitiān wǎnshàng dōuhuì zuò yóuxì) - He plays games every night.
Example 3: 我们一起做游戏吧 (wǒmen yīqǐ zuò yóuxì ba) - Let's play games together.
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