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1. 少年 (shào nián): This word literally means "young person" and is used to refer to young people in general.
2. 青少年 (qīng shào nián): This word literally means "youth" and is used to refer to young people between the ages of 12 and 18.
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1. 青年一代 (qīngnián yīdài) - This phrase emphasizes the idea of a new generation of young people, often used in a positive or hopeful context.
2. 青年人 (qīngnián rén) - This is a more general term for "young people" and can be used in both formal and informal situations.
3. 青年朋友 (qīngnián péngyǒu) - This phrase adds a friendly and approachable tone when addressing young people.
4. 青年学生 (qīngnián xuéshēng) - This phrase specifically refers to young students, often used in educational or academic settings.
5. 青年领袖 (qīngnián lǐngxiù) - This phrase refers to young leaders or role models, often used in a respectful or admiring tone.
6. 青年才俊 (qīngnián cáijùn) - This phrase refers to young talents or prodigies, often used in a complimentary or admiring context.
7. 青年精英 (qīngnián jīngyīng) - This phrase refers to young elites or high achievers, often used in a formal or professional context.
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